What Do You Observe?
Sometimes when we’re driving, my husband and I will allow the kids to use their tablet. Sometimes, we don’t. And on the times that we...
We Are A New Creature; January 9, 2021
New Year, New Me! All throughout my twenties, I used to proclaim “New Year, New Me” every year beginning around the middle of December...
Word Of God To Harmonizing Hearts In Christ for 2021
Welcome to 2021! On December 31, 2020, Father told me to cook a lamb. I’ve never cooked a lamb nor have I ever purchased a lamb at the...
Learn To Eat At Home! 12/29/2020
Every time Empress leaves the house, she believes that she needs to go to a market, a store or a restaurant before she returns home. Not...
Ride On The Voice Of God - Part 2
October 29, 2020 I’ve been asking Father about His word to me, “you ride on the voice of God”. I know that Part 1 was just that, a part....
Ride On the Voice of God
The other day, I asked a prophetic minstrel to approach Father’s throne and capture His sound for Harmonizing Hearts In Christ. As with...
She Sees Eternity, And Laughs!
Seeing eternity within a moment of time.
So Help Me God!
Word of God, Prophetic Word Of The Day, What Is God Saying To His Church
Positioned To Follow - The Beauty In Allowing God to Lead You
No doubt, I am probably going to be the reason why therapists remain gainfully employed. I had NO CLUE what I was doing in raising my...
The Dentist, The Devil and The Dream - Hear and 'DO' The Word of God
Sometimes, I am a hearer of the Word only. I will hear the Word, I will read the Word, I will repeat the Word, but I struggle with...