Vision Statement
Leading women to search for, and trust in, God with their entire hearts!
What We Believe
We believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Ghost sent to be our Comforter and Guide into all truth.
In 1Timothy5:14, we understand that one of God's many plans for women are that we are to "guide the house, giving none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully". The Greek word used for "to guide the house" is oikodespoteo, and it means, to rule a household. As women, God has gifted us with the responsibility of managing and guiding not just ourselves, but members of our entire household, into the knowledge and glory of God!
This is an awesome responsibility which we can not afford to take lightly; especially in these days and times which we are currently living in! From our Sermons, Videos, Blogs and our Midnight Militants Prayer Line, we will encourage you to put on the full armor of God and walk worthy of the calling and assignment He has purposed for your life!
We believe that the "all scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" ~2Timothy3:16-17. We are careful to teach and minister the Word of God as given to us through His Bible.
Meet The Team

Reina Jackson
So, this part is always super weird to me. How can I tell you about myself in like 200 words or less? A few adjectives on the paper doesn’t do anyone proper representation. But, I digress.
So about me? I’m a daughter of God. Sister to Jesus. Filled with the Holy Ghost. I’m His prophet. I’m His teacher. I’m His servant. I’m a wife of almost 6 years. I’m a mother to 6 children (people always go “wow, how do you do it” when I say that. And then when I tell them their ages are 19, 17, 14, 4, 2 and 2 months, then they better understand how I still have my sanity lol).
Father pulled me out of secular work with the birth of my 6th child in order to do His work in ministry full-time.
Let His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven!

Empress Jackson
Hi Everyone!
My name is Empress and I’m 4. I’m going to be 5 in November. I have 5 brothers and no sisters. Me and Mummy are the only girls in our family.
I can ride my bike with no training wheels! My Daddy taught me.
I'm a Big Girl Helper and I am good for my Mummy.
I love reading about Jesus and I love to make God happy. And I love playing outside too!